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10-Year Anniversary Investment

We're thrilled to share an incredible opportunity in honor of the 10th anniversary of the IECT Summer School. Our shareholders, including Hermann Hauser Investment GmbH, Segnalita GmbH, and Tyrolean Business Angels GmbH, have decided to offer a €100,000 investment in the form of a convertible loan note to one participant of the IECT Summer School 2024.

Here's a detailed breakdown of what this opportunity entails:

💼 Investment Amount: €100,000

📍 Criteria: All participants of the I.E.C.T. – Summer School 2024 are eligible to receive the investment. Factors such as country of origin, technology, and industry sector of the venture will not be decisive. The founder with the highest potential, as determined by the investors, will be selected. The investment will be granted following a positive due diligence process.

🏆 Winner Announcement: The recipient of this investment will be announced at the Celebration Dinner following the Demo Day.

🤝 Contractual Arrangements: The investment will be structured as a convertible loan note. To ensure the investment terms are founder-friendly, a trust and syndicate agreement will be established among the three institutions. This means that only one entity will assume the convertible loan note, simplifying the process for all parties involved. The winner will also receive a letter of intent from the investors on the demo day.

📅 Timeline: After the Demo Day on August 28th, 2024, the chosen winner will have 18 months to incorporate their company (if not already done) and access the investment.

This investment initiative underscores our commitment to fostering academic entrepreneurship. It offers aspiring researchers and entrepreneurs the opportunity to receive financial support to realize their vision.


HHI: We grant this partnership because we believe in the practical support of the deep-tech ecosystem and want to promote Science Based Entrepreneurship by supporting founders on the first steps on their long journey.

SEGNALITA: Segnalita unterstützt motivierte Gründer:innen seit vielen Jahren mit Früh-Phasen Investments, und aktiver Begleitung. Wir sind seit Anbeginn aktiver Förderer und Sharholder des IECT und dessen Programmen und Initiativen. Mit unserem Investment sehen wir die Möglichkeit einen zusätzlichen Anreiz sowie die erste Investition in die prämierte Idee bereitzustellen und damit einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur unternehmerischen Reise der Gründer:innen zu leisten.

TBA: „Damit alles so bleibt wie es ist, musst du bereit sein alles zu verändern“ (Tancredi); das ist unser Credo und mit diesem Investment erhoffen wir uns eine Veränderung zum Besseren…

mehr zu den investoren

HHI: We are the investment company founded by Hermann Hauser in Central Europe and invest primarily in early-stage (seed, Series A) start-ups from the DACH region. The focus is on scalable technologies with high innovation potential from the fields of AI, Digital Health, Synthetic Biology, Operating Systems, Electronics and Quantum Computing, among others.

SEGNALITA: Believing in the power of ideas and the passion of people, Segnalita invests in the creation of long term entrepreneurial values. We are convinced that every idea has the potential to change the world and to sustainably create long term values for the people, the society and the environment. Segnalita actively contributes to this vision by developing pioneering companies and high-quality brands with a commitment for purpose and impact. Our beliefs build on the legacy of entrepreneur Gernot Langes-Swarovski, who significantly pushed the transformation of Swarovski from a simple industrial supplier into an international luxury brand, but also got involved with ideas, which reflected his values for economic and ecologic sustainability. His pioneering spirit serves as inspiration today for everything we work on. Segnalita invests in passionate entrepreneurs with courage and creativity. Together we create scalable business models and long term partnerships, reflecting an understanding of sustainable development and binding values.

TBA: Wir unterstützen Ideen/Start-ups, vorwiegend in früher Phase, im Technologiebereich, hauptsächlich in den Branchen Medizintechnik & Life Sciences, Umwelt, Energie und IT. Die innovativen Ideen mit Wachstumspotential sollen vorwiegend im B2B-Markt liegen. Wir bieten neben Management-Erfahrung auch Zugang zu einem großen Business-Netzwerk und zu Co-Investoren.


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Litheba Leseeka
Company name:

Litheba Leseeka

There was so much to learn from the keynote speakers, experts in various fields and the mentor sessions that we had with Yupar Myint . The entrepreneurship skills instilled in me during this time will be of immense value in my life.
Harshal Sankhe
Company name:
HyGrid Energy

Harshal Sankhe

HyGrid Energy
I believe in the transformative power of entrepreneurship and continuous learning. It's about expanding horizons and embracing the journey. Finding the right mentor can make all the difference in igniting inspiration and encouraging growth. That's why I'm grateful to have found the I.E.C.T school and its visionary leader, Herman Hauser.
Theresa Kohl
Company name:
DiLT Analytics
IoT & data management

Theresa Kohl

DiLT Analytics
This IECT program has already the perfect recipe for inspiring the next generation of entrepreneurs, keeping a great balance between business model development, team culture, pitch training and financing your start up. Summarizing - it was an eye-opening experience! The DiLT Analyticsteam highly recommends this program. Let’s shape a sustainable future together!
Molly Haugen
Company name:

Molly Haugen

I really enjoyed about the I.E.C.T. Summer School the keynotes in the morning. But one of my favorite things was probably the panel discussions about scaling and how to grow the business. There's so many different aspects to it, not just growing the business, but growing the product. Both were such interesting topics that were really informative.

Giovanni Cerchiari
Company name:

Giovanni Cerchiari

From a scientist's point of view, I have to say that there are many differences between the world of scientists and the business world, even though the concept may be similar. I really learned at the I.E.C.T. Summer School how to think, what are the key words and how to look at problems from a new perspective.

Hermann Stockinger
Company name:

Hermann Stockinger

Die IECT Summer School bietet die Möglichkeit in einem kompakten Format und in einem geschützten Umfeld von Top-Experten aller wichtigen Disziplinen des Unternehmensaufbaus - vom Team Building bis hin zum Venture Capital - zu lernen und hilfreiche Tipps für die eigene Gründung zu gewinnen. Zurückblickend waren für Easelink und mich besonders die Learnings zur IP Strategie sehr wertvoll. Zudem bietet das IECT Zugang zu einem hervorragenden Netzwerk von Personen, die mit fachlichem Sparring und/oder Netzwerk Zugängen weiterhelfen können.

Harold Vladar
Company name:
Ribbon Biolabs

Harold Vladar

Ribbon Biolabs
IECT kickstarted my entrepreneurial journey. I knew I wanted to go down that road but did not know how. As an alumnus of the program I am grateful for the invaluable experience, knowledge and network which allowed me to start and grow my company.
David Wurm
Company name:
Life-science / Biotech / Pharma

David Wurm

Die I.E.C.T. Summerschool war eine extrem wertvolle Zeit, die uns in dem Bereich business development einen großen Schritt weitergebracht hat. Wir konnten besonders von den spannenden Vorträgen, den 1:1 sessions mit den Experten und dem großen Netzwerk profitieren.
Anna Pölzl
Company name:

Anna Pölzl
During the Programme I didn’t only get valuable insights on how to maneuver start-up life, more importantly, I won mentors, peers, friends, personally caring about each other. This community feeling and focus on creating a safe space makes the I.E.C.T. program stand out.
Angelos Chronis
Company name:
Architecture Engineering & Construction (AEC)

Angelos Chronis

The IECT team and the LBG IRP programme really transformed my perspective, from an academic to an entrepreneurial one. Learning to make decisions through uncertainty and building the foundations of trust in myself and my team along with the invaluable personal mentoring have shaped where I am today.

Programme Partner

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